Don’t Give Up
Every dream you have is worth fighting for. No matter how many times you are told “no,” be persistent. Get back up and dust yourself off. Inspiring people who were told NO or failed: Oprah Winfrey Walt Disney J.K. Rowling Jeff Bezos (Amazon) Ellen DeGeneres Howard Shultz (Starbucks) Michael Jordan Imagine if they gave up? […]
Inspiration After Midnight
You may have heard the saying, “Nothing good happens after midnight,” but surely this does not apply to dreaming. Inspiration often surfaces in your dreams or wakes you up in the middle of the night. When you are relaxed and not bogged down by a million and one things in your daily life, you are […]
Get Unstuck. The Path Forward.
Sometimes life throws obstacles in your path and you get stuck. You may have a problem you need to solve or a situation that needs to be worked out. For me, I recently encountered writer’s block. The skeleton of the story was there. But day after day, I struggled with filling in the meat. Against […]
Embrace Your Single Greatest Advantage
You are unique. No one is you or ever going to be you. This is your single greatest advantage! When you choose to fill your life with activities that bring you joy, you align with your true self. And that’s huge! If you can earn a living allowing your true self to emerge and begin […]
Why “Walking the Talk” Inspires
Recently, I’ve come across people who try to sell me things or get me to do something, yet they are clearly not leading by example. To inspire others to make a positive change or buy into what you’re selling, you absolutely must practice what you preach. Let me give you some examples to think about. […]
Animals Show Up to Inspire You
You might be rolling your eyes at this, but bear with me for a moment. This morning, two cranes were outside my window making a whole lot of noise. They visit my house about four times a year. When they show up, I’m reminded of what they represent and it inspires me. Cranes are a […]
Music on Your Mind
Listening to music is an excellent way to stay motivated and inspired. When I was a kid in school, we learned “Greatest Love of All” by Whitney Houston. To this day, I can sing most of the lyrics. This song gave me hope for a bright future. Yesterday morning my daughter got up singing “A […]
Learn Something New
To keep life exciting, every now and then I’ll learn something new. I’ve found that this inspires me to be my best creative self. It can be something just for you or an activity you share with loved ones. The most recent things I took up benefited me and others. I decided to get Reiki […]
Change it up
I am all for routine. In fact, I thrive on it. However, sometimes too much of a routine equates to getting into a rut. You know, that feeling when you wake up and you drag yourself out of bed? Yeah, I’ve felt it too. That’s when you know you need to change it up. I’m […]
Take a Trip Down Memory Lane—Literally
Recently, I traveled back to a city I lived for 18 years—to a city and people I love. The city had changed. I had changed. But one thing hadn’t—the feeling of belonging. New Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee. I met up with old friends in new places. And old places with new faces. Memories were relived […]