Inspired Creativity

My Mom Friends Saved My Sanity
There is a special place for moms with small children, and no, I’m not thinking about sitting in a quiet closet with a pint of ice cream — although that does sound divine. I’m talking about in the presence of other moms with small children. There is something to be said for a group of moms who get it.

Hiring an Author Coach Can Change Your Life
I had written four books, queried for three years, and finally my fourth book was getting noticed by agents. However, even with fifteen full requests many of the agents were passing on representation. At that point, I knew I needed to do something different.

My Writing Journey from Pantser to Plotter
That age-old fence that divides writers — pantser and plotter. I recently hopped the fence, not so gracefully, catching my pants on the barbed wire, nearly impaling myself. But once I cleared those spikes, my writing has been better for it.

12 Tips to Find Writing Support and Feel Less Alone
I celebrated my completed manuscript with a pity party, but you don’t have to!

I Didn’t Believe I Deserved to Mourn My Miscarriage
After burying my grief for seven years, I’m finally ready to publicly talk about it

3 Quick Tips on Enjoying the Creative Process
Allowing yourself to enjoy the process of creating is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. I am the first to admit that

A Word on Grief
It’s the glimmer of hope that keeps me going. A hope for better days and a hope for togetherness. I am grateful to grieve because

A Passion Plan for Writing
In 2015, I bought my first Passion Planner and I used the Passion Plan GameChanger page to set a goal to write my first book. It kept me on track and motivated me.

A Word on Sparkle
Can you pinpoint moments in life where you felt an incredible inner strength? Maybe even people in your life noticed. They may have said: You’re