I am all for routine. In fact, I thrive on it. However, sometimes too much of a routine equates to getting into a rut. You know, that feeling when you wake up and you drag yourself out of bed? Yeah, I’ve felt it too. That’s when you know you need to change it up.
I’m not talking a major shift here–like a move or a new job. It’s more along the lines of, “I’m going to add purple to my hair.” I’ve done that. Why? Because I can and because I think it’s cool. Not for you? No worries. Go to that restaurant for lunch–the new one in town that everyone is raving about, or take a walk, or call a friend, or buy that book you’ve been meaning to read, or…the list goes on. You might even write a list of activities you want to do someday. Check them off.
The point is–change it up. I think you’ll feel better. I know I do.
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