My Writing Journey from Pantser to Plotter

That age-old fence that divides writers — pantser and plotter. I recently hopped the fence, not so gracefully, catching my pants on the barbed wire, nearly impaling myself. But once I cleared those spikes, my writing has been better for it.
My Journey to Landing a Literary Agent

To land a literary agent, it took me: Three years of querying Four books 427 query emails 208 rejection emails 20 full requests Three Pitch Wars rejections…
Overcoming the Fear of Writing Book Reviews

Yes, this fear is real. I wrote my first book review in 2019. This is after decades of reading. It was only within the past three years that I even rated books. Why did it take me so long? The main reason is because I didn’t think I could give a book the justice it […]
Enjoy the Creative Process

Allowing yourself to enjoy the process of creating is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. I am the first to admit that this concept is sometimes difficult to follow. When I have my eye on the result and it’s not being achieved as fast as I want, I get frustrated. In times […]
Discover Where You Belong

Discover where you belong with online support. In this day, when you can’t get out and congregate, going online can fill the void. From groups to tools, there are many opportunities to find others who can support you on your journey and purpose in life. You don’t have to go at it alone. Belonging is […]
A Tale of Three Desks

Once upon a time, a creative type wanted a desk to do creative things. Simple request. The creative goes to three furniture stores. Store #1 “We have this desk.” “No. That is way too big.” “We have more online.” Store #2 “We have this desk.” “No. That is way too small.” “We have more […]
#BoostMyBio for #PitchWars

It’s that time again for Pitch Wars! I’m so excited to be submitting another manuscript this year. This is my first time creating a Boost My Bio. Here goes… Genre: Middle-Grade Fantasy Title: THE MAGIC GAME Word Count: 35,300 Aesthetics: The Short Pitch: THE MAGIC GAME arrives in Dimshire, turning the cursed town into a spectacular circus. […]
Why “Walking the Talk” Inspires

Recently, I’ve come across people who try to sell me things or get me to do something, yet they are clearly not leading by example. To inspire others to make a positive change or buy into what you’re selling, you absolutely must practice what you preach. Let me give you some examples to think about. […]
Draw Your Dreams

Vision boards are nothing new, but I’m here to tell you they definitely help you fulfill your dreams! Way back in college, I drew a picture of a man. The intention was that it would be the man I would marry someday. I recently came across it and showed it to my daughter. I asked […]
Setting Up Your Creative Space

When people ask me where my writing ideas come from, I end up telling them I believe there is a place we cannot see where ideas live. The ideas channel down to us when we are open to them. So how do I open up to them? I created a space of my own. The […]