My Writing Journey from Pantser to Plotter

That age-old fence that divides writers — pantser and plotter. I recently hopped the fence, not so gracefully, catching my pants on the barbed wire, nearly impaling myself. But once I cleared those spikes, my writing has been better for it.
Overcoming the Fear of Writing Book Reviews

Yes, this fear is real. I wrote my first book review in 2019. This is after decades of reading. It was only within the past three years that I even rated books. Why did it take me so long? The main reason is because I didn’t think I could give a book the justice it […]
A Way Out of Writer’s Block

Staring at our screens for hours is not getting our books written. Walking away is not getting our books written. I used to do both—paired with way too much coffee. Now I write through it, and my writing is much better for it. Sometimes writer’s block has nothing to do with our story. Sometimes it […]
#BoostMyBio for #PitchWars

It’s that time again for Pitch Wars! I’m so excited to be submitting another manuscript this year. This is my first time creating a Boost My Bio. Here goes… Genre: Middle-Grade Fantasy Title: THE MAGIC GAME Word Count: 35,300 Aesthetics: The Short Pitch: THE MAGIC GAME arrives in Dimshire, turning the cursed town into a spectacular circus. […]
A Book Can Change Your Life

In my early 30s, I found myself floundering through life. I never pictured my life to be a certain way, but somehow I knew it shouldn’t be the way it was. I had divorced and was back to dating, which turned out to be fun at times, but annoying most of the time. I had […]