Vanessa Ferlaino, author and activist, shares what it means to be human, the importance of self-compassion and self-love, creating change, and a call to humanity.

Vanessa Ferlaino is an author, artist, and activist changing the world one day at a time. She believes that only when we hear ourselves, can we make a difference in our lives and the world around us. At the age of 27, she has many accolades. She spent 10 years in medtech and tech as an award-winning corporate innovator, investor, executive, and advisor. The headlining speaker for Google x Women Techmakers April 2022 and Authority Magazine’s “Social Impact Author” creates impact by challenging what it means to be human. Her book debut, “Human”, a read that will inspire you to be your truest self, is available on Amazon and select Chapters Indigo locations. Follow her on Instagram @vanessaferlaino or subscribe to her email list at so you don’t miss the release of her music or the launch of her next big philanthropic project – both coming in summer 2022!